
The bus ride from Copacabana in Lake Titicaca to La Paz is several hours. Not too bad because the scenery is beautiful. Nicer large.
Purchase prints at printing cost (e.g., $1.99 for 8×10) at SmugMug.

ISO 400, 135mm, f5.6, 1/1000, shot from a relatively fast moving bus. Processed in Photomatix first, which gave it the strong yellow tones. Used Nik Tonal Contrast and Pro Contrast and dodge, burn and desaturation in PS. The geo-tag is approximate.

I haven’t been active on flickr for the last few days because I’ve been updating my machine to run Windows 7. I was using XP, and everything had slowed down to a crawl, so I needed to wipe the disk clean and start over. So, Windows 7 it is. I had to re-install everything from scratch: Photoshop, LIghtroom, Photomatix, Nik, Noiseware, Xrite I1, the Lightroom catalog, get al lthe updates, etc. Quite a job, but I am ahppy to say that so far everything works and faster. In fact, I use CS3, and so far so good.